Laser Photonics proudly unveils its brand new 3D Metal Sintering System (3D Metal Printing)

Laser Photonics, the industry leader in developing high-tech fiber and CO2 laser systems for marking, cutting and engraving applications, is proud to unveil its brand new 3D Metal Sintering System (3D Metal Printing)

Fonon Additive Manufacturing Technologies encompass 3D FUSION TECHNOLOGY or 3D Laser Metal Sintering (Commonly known as Printing) Technologies.

Fonon's 3D FUSION™ or 3D Laser Metal Sintering (Printing) process is an emerging additive NANO Powder Manufacturing Technology with a presence in the medical industry as well as Manufacturing (Mold fabrication and Repair), Defense, aerospace and high technology engineering and electronics sectors. 3D Laser Metal Printing is a layered, digitally driven additive manufacturing process that uses high quality focused laser energy to fuse metal NANO powders into 3D objects.