New AF&PA Video and Webpage Promote Improved Paper Recycling

The American Forest & Paper Association's (AF&PA) new What is Recyclable? webpage and Improving Paper Recycling video promote increased quantity and quality of paper and paper-based packaging recovered for recycling. These new resources are part of AF&PA's ongoing effort to increase paper recovery.

"When using recovered fiber to make new paper products, the quality of materials used is especially important," said AF&PA Executive Director for Recovered Fiber Brian Hawkinson. "Following the advice in our video and on our webpage improves paper recycling, which in turn helps maximize the amount of paper that can be used to make new products."

The video encourages people to recycle a wide range of paper and paper-based packaging products and to make sure those products are clean and dry before placing them in the recycling bin.


Information on the paper and paper-based packaging items most commonly accepted for recycling in the U.S., and how to prepare them before placing them in the recycling bin, is available on the webpage.

For other information and tips on paper recycling, free classroom resources, statistics, and more, visit